Your Tongue as an Indication of Health | Henderson Dentist

Young woman smiling with perfect dental health

History shows us that ancient cultures have regarded the tongue as an indication of oral or overall health. While this remains a topic of debate, it’s something to consider, as most people have likely examined their tongue in the mirror a few times. Here are some things that may be interesting to know about the tongue and your health.

A note about this concept

In Ayurvedic medicine, the health of the tongue is an indicator for whole-body health. The practice of tongue scraping has been performed for centuries in cultures around the world but is considered an ancient Ayurvedic practice. Today, with modern advances in medicine, we now understand what these indications may mean.

An indication of health

Different indicators are known to share different aspects of your health. Redness on the other hand can mean a deficiency In folic acid, B12, or iron as well as potentially indicate fever or strep throat. A webbed or striped look can mean you have oral lichen planus, caused by your immune system attacking your cells. Bumps along the tongue indicate canker sores and herpes commonly known as cold sores. White patches mean there may be an overgrowth of candida, a yeast that is treatable with an anti-fungal rinse or pill. If your tongue is black and hairy-looking, it may indicate diabetes, yeast infection, poor oral hygiene or the result of cancer therapies. Red and white spots mark areas where your taste buds have naturally worn, but this is common.

If you are worried about the health indications your tongue may express, consult your dentist to better understand what may be going on, and find solutions for our oral healthcare.

To schedule an appointment, or discuss any concerns you may have, call us at 702-735-2755 or visit us online at today.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Eat Your Way to Pearly Whites | Henderson Dentist

Did you know that you can naturally brighten your smile with just items you find in your kitchen? It’s true – and we aren’t just talking about baking soda. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, there are certain foods that can naturally cleanse, brighten, and defend against bacteria that can harm your teeth and gums. Here are some everyday foods that can lead to a healthy, bright smile. So, prepare to indulge!

Pineapples can help whiten teeth. Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which acts as a natural stain remover. Bromelain also helps break up plaque.

Ginger can protect against periodontal disease, an inflammatory process that causes the loss of bone and supportive connective tissue in your mouth.

Carrots contain vitamin A, which is needed for healthy tooth enamel. Eating them raw stimulates saliva, your mouth’s natural cleanser.

Basil is a natural antibiotic that reduces bacteria in the mouth.

Cheese is rich in protein, calcium, and phosphorus, all of which help reduce acid in your mouth.

Sesame seeds help “scrub” away the plaque on your teeth. Chewing nuts can also provide a coarse, scrubbing action. Sesame seeds also contain bone and teeth-strengthening calcium.

Shiitake mushrooms contain a compound called lentinan, which inhibits bacteria from growing in your mouth.

Onions contain the sulfur compounds, thiosulfinates and thiosulfonates, which reduce bacteria that cause tooth decay. Eating them raw is a must as cooking will destroy these tooth-friendly compounds.

Salmon not only provides calcium but also vitamin D, another nutrient needed for healthy bones and teeth.

Broccoli contains iron, which helps form an acid-resistant film or barrier that can protect the enamel of your teeth.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Taking Care of a Baby’s Smile | Henderson Dentist

Now that we are full swing in 2022, it is time to take a moment to think about improving the health of you and your family. After all, we are trying to make our children as comfortable as possible during this time of their lives, but they’re baby teeth – why do we need to be on top of this right now? But the best time to start taking care of your child’s teeth is the moment that your child is born. Because baby teeth may fall out, but they are literal placeholders for the permanent ones. Even without teeth, bacteria can build up and cause damage as teeth begin to develop. So, let’s talk dental health tips for your tiny humans:

Before the first tooth breaks, wipe your baby’s gums with a soft damp cloth after every feeding. Once they begin to come in, it’s time to start brushing twice a day. Use a soft children’s toothbrush and minimal to non-fluoride toothpaste until they reach preschool-age, when the amount of toothpaste increases to the size of a pea.

Good habits start at home, so why not make this a family affair? We all need to take care of our teeth if we want to keep them – start by teaching your family good dental hygiene habits. Everyone needs to be involved get the habit to stick.

When it comes to dental visits, parents should take their children in for an appointment as soon as their first tooth pops out, but no longer than the child’s first birthday. Your dentist will look for any early signs and symptoms of problems.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Dental Crowns: Are You Royalty? | Henderson Dentist

Have you ever dreamt of wearing a crown? Do you have a secret fantasy of marrying a prince so you could wear the royal headpiece? Unfortunately, most of us will never know what it is like to become royalty or wear a crown, but that doesn’t mean our teeth can’t. In fact, getting a dental crown during a dental visit is quite common.

Unfortunately, needing a dental crown isn’t as lovely as getting crowned royalty. A dental crown is a cap placed over a tooth to restore its strength and appearance, in order to protect a weak or broken tooth, cover a large filling or help support a bridge. And this is necessary because your teeth have become weakened due to things like poor dental hygiene, physical injury or bruxism (teeth grinding).

A dental crown can last up to fifteen years, depending on how you treat them. If you like to chew ice, bite your nails or grind your teeth, know that these habits are damaging your teeth and look for ways to deter these behaviors. After all, a dental crown has so many benefits, including:

Discreet. Porcelain and composite crowns have the look and feel of natural teeth. And because they’re made from porcelain, they are stain resistant.

Durable. They can last for years and are cemented or anchored in place to prevent slipping or gum irritation.

Protection. Crowns protect the tooth from further decay and makes your tooth full-functional.

Confidence. Damaged, discolored or missing teeth causes confidence issues. Not only are they visually unpleasing, but they can affect your speech. Crowns help to make your smile beautiful and your speech clearer.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Ways You May Be Harming Your Teeth | Henderson Dentist

We’ve all heard those stories about what types of things are on our toothbrush, but did you know that there is no evidence that anyone has ever gotten sick from their own toothbrush? The safest way to store your toothbrush is to rinse after each brushing session, and it let air-dry away from other toothbrushes. But there are other random habits you may be doing that are surprisingly bad for your smile:

Multitasking. As we rush around in the mornings we tend to multitask, like brushing your teeth while showering or scrolling through emails. However, if you’re multitasking while brushing your teeth you could be doing yourself doing yourself a disservice by preventing you from doing a thorough cleaning.

Ditching your retainer. If you’ve had braces, wear your retainer for as long as your orthodontist recommends. If you stop wearing your retainer regularly your perfect teeth will eventually start to shift, thus leaving you unhappy with your teeth all over again.

Overcleaning your toothbrush. There are many people disinfect their toothbrushes by zapping them in the microwave or by tossing them in the dishwasher, but these tricks actually aren’t needed. Taking these drastic cleaning measures can damage your toothbrush, defeating the purpose.

Travel case storage. It’s important to not pack a wet toothbrush in a travel case because bacteria thrive in moist conditions, so make sure to take your toothbrush out of its travel case to allow for it to air-dry.

Skipping the dentist. Some people suffer from dental anxiety which leads them to not going to the dentist, but by avoiding the dentist altogether you will only create more dental problems in the long run.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

The ABCs of Dental Prosthetic Devices | Henderson Dentist

In the search of getting the smile we’ve always dreamt of, there are plenty of options to consider. Crowns and bridges are dental prosthetic devices that are cemented onto existing teeth or implants that can instantly make a dramatic difference in your smile. Because unlike dentures, which can be taken out, crowns and bridges can only be removed by a dentist. This is a relief for many patients as dentures can slip or cause other issues because they can be easily removed. For those unfamiliar with these dental procedures, here is a breakdown of some basics to familiarize yourself. When you sit down with your dental professional, you can discuss your options in depth.

Dental bridge. Bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth. They are cemented to existing teeth or implants that surround an empty space, serving as anchors for the bridge. Porcelain is the most common material choice because it can be matched to the color of your natural teeth.

Crowns. A crown covers a damaged tooth. They are used for various reasons such as strengthening a damaged tooth, improving the tooth’s appearance or shape and to fix alignment issues. As with bridges, crowns can be made of porcelain.

When would I need a crown?

  • To attach a bridge
  • Replace a filling when not enough tooth remains
  • Protecting weak teeth
  • Fractured tooth
  • Mask a dental implant
  • Disguise a discolored tooth
  • Cover a tooth that has had a root canal

Crowns and bridges are fairly easy to take care of. Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing and seeing your dentist on a regular basis. Also, steer clear of chewing hard foods such as ice. Follow these simple rules and your crowns and bridges could last a lifetime!

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Whitening Your Teeth in Autumn | Henderson Dentist

As we begin to say goodbye to the warmer summertime months and welcome in autumn’s cool crisp weather, we begin to change our diet as well. Iced tea is swapped out for pumpkin lattes, and our BBQ foods for heartier stews. And it’s important to remember that some of these favorites tend to tinge our pearly whites over time, regardless of our dental hygiene practices. Thankfully, there are also plenty of foods that do the reverse. Keep these choices in mind as we welcome in the chilly autumn months:

Fruit. Apples are known to play a huge role in good health, but it’s the crispiness of the apple doing most of the work. Biting into an apple helps strengthen your gums, while the juiciness of the apple produces saliva, clearing out cavity-forming bacteria. Another autumn fruit that does similar work while also neutralizing odor-causing, staining bacteria for your teeth is the pear. If you are looking for citrus, try an orange. Not only is the vitamin C good for you, the citric acid also scours your teeth. 

Vegetables. When it comes to vegetables, we would never correlate an onion as a dental secret, but if you eat anything oniony, you’re much more apt to brush your teeth afterwards. Ever notice broccoli looks like a toothbrush? Munching on these little “brushes” will not only supply your body with iron, but will give your teeth a quick scrub. And celery is basically Mother Nature’s version of floss. 

Dairy. Chockful of calcium, foods like milk, yogurt and cheese strengthen your teeth and gums. The stronger your teeth enamel is, the whiter & healthier they become. 

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

When the Dentist Chair Makes You Nervous | Henderson Dentist

Let’s face it…the dentist isn’t anyone’s favorite appointment to make. But for some individuals, the fear of sitting in a dentist office is too much to handle. Too much to the point where they avoid going to the dentist at all. Unfortunately, this becomes an issue when dental issues develop into something worse. The point of regular dental checkups is to prevent any issues from developing into something more painful and extensive. So, having dental anxiety is nothing to mess around with as it can only cause trouble down the road.

Dental anxiety is a term used to describe the feeling some individuals get from going to the dentist or the thought of getting dental procedures. While anxiety levels vary in everyone, some individuals lose sleep or worry excessively about the dentist that the condition worsens every time they are faced with a new dental prospect. Fortunately, many dental professionals understand this issue and have addressed it by providing their patients with many creature comforts to calm the nerves during your visit. If you are looking to overcome your dental anxiety, here are some tips to help you.

Tell your dentist. Odds are your dentist understands exactly how you feel as they probably have other patients experiencing the same things.

Distract yourself. While you are in the office, watch some television, play some music, or read a book. Anything that will help you get your mind off of where you are. The point is to relax yourself.

Medicine. If you’re still feeling anxious even after you’ve relaxed your mind, talk to your dentist about general anesthesia or nitrous oxide to help you get through your procedures.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Dental Restorations Will Repair Your Flawed Smile | Henderson Dentist

Most people already know that they should visit the dentist every six months for regular checkups and professional cleaning. However, many patients don’t take into consideration is that they may have to visit their dentist every now and then for treatments that go beyond a routine cleaning. One example of this is dental restorations, which are different types of dental treatments. This type of dental treatment involves the restoration of either decayed, chipped, cracked, discolored or missing teeth with fillings, crowns, bridges and dental implants. No matter the flaw, it can be restored.

Now, when it comes to dental restorations, you can essentially sum up the importance of them in two words – prevention and restoration. Not only do dental restorations allow dentists to treat teeth, but they also prevent any infections you may have from spreading any further. Another benefit to dental restorations is that these procedures also aim to improve the aesthetics of patient’s teeth.

Having your damaged, infected or missing teeth restored or replaced doesn’t mean that you don’t have to worry about dental problems reoccurring. No matter what type of materials are used to restore or replace your teeth, bacteria and plaque will still form around the restoration. The chances of such dental problems happening again is even higher if you don’t take proper care of your teeth. Because, apart from the costs, dental professionals may no longer be able to treat or reverse the effects of certain kinds of dental problems, such as advanced periodontitis. So, make sure you take care of those restorations if you want them to take care of you.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Survival Tips for Dental Implant Surgery | Henderson Dentist

If you plan to have dental implants installed, you are surely expecting to come out of the surgery with the most fabulous smile around. Not very often will you find that you’ve completely forgotten about the aftermath and what it entails exactly. After all, it is surgery and all surgeries are quite serious, even if it’s outpatient. Here’s what you should expect to experience after you have your smile restored. It isn’t anything extraordinary, but having every bit of knowledge will help decrease any unnecessary panic you may feel as your anesthetic wears off:

Soreness. You’ll experience some soreness in your jaw and gums since the tissue had to be damaged to accommodate the dental implants. You’ll be able to help the pain with over-the-counter prescription pain killers, and then eventually switch to less powerful pain killer such as ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Swelling. It’s very common for your jaw, gums and cheeks to swell up after dental implant surgery. The swelling will typically last for about a week. You can help reduce the swelling by applying an ice pack to the affected areas for 15 minutes at a time, with 15 minutes breaks in between.

Bruising. Bruises may start to appear on your jaw, gums, and neck which is a result of your dental implants being installed. Any discoloration will be more noticeable once swelling does down, but the bruising should start to reduce, eventually gone by the end of the first week.

After the first or second week, your face should look and feel considerably better, and you should be able to return to your normal daily activities. If any of the side effect do start to worsen, call your dentist immediately.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.