Dry Mouth and You | Henderson Dentist

Taking chewing gum

Dry mouth is a condition in which one’s salivary glands produce an insufficient amount of saliva to keep your mouth wet. Dry mouth can be caused by a natural inability for your glands to produce sufficient saliva, medication, aging issues or as a result of radiation therapy.

Saliva is important because it naturally prevents tooth decay by neutralizing acids, limits bacterial growth and washing away food particles throughout the day. It also makes the consumption of food easier as enzymes in the saliva aid in the breakdown of food. While dry mouth is an inconvenience, it can also have a notable impact on your general and oral health.

If you are unsure if what you are experiencing are dry mouth, here are some some common symptoms:

– Dryness or sticky mouth feel

– Bad breath

– Dry or grooved tongue

– Difficulty chewing, speaking and swallowing

The complications that can result from dry mouth are:

– Increased plaque

– Mouth sores

– Tooth decay

– Gum disease

– Sores or split skin around the mouth

Due to the variety of causes for dry mouth, it’s important to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor. Your dentist however may be a good resource for suggestions about how to protect your teeth.

Some suggestions may include a fluoride tray or rinse to prevent cavities. There are also  prescription or over-the-counter artificial saliva or moisturizers to lubricate your mouth. These can be effective means of alleviating discomfort in addition to suggestions made by your physician.

A few at home remedies you might try include:

– Sip water or chew ice chips during the day and during meals

– Chew sugar-free gum

– Over-the-counter saliva substitutes

– Breathe through your nose

– Utilize a humidifier

There are however, habits ways we can exacerbate dry mouth such as:

  – Consumption of caffeine and alcohol

– The use of tobacco, antihistamines, and decongestants

– Consumption of sugary, acidic, spicy or salty foods

If you are curious about whether or not these symptoms apply to you, or have dry mouth and would like suggestions from a dental professional, call today at 702-735-2755 or visit us online at www.patricksimonedds.com today.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

What Are Dental Restorations? | Henderson Dentist

Most of us know that in order to maintain a bright and healthy smile, we should visit the dentist every six months for regular checkups and professional cleaning. However, many don’t take into consideration is that they may have to visit their dentist every now and then for treatments that go beyond a routine cleaning. This may involve dental restorations, which are different types of dental treatments for decayed, chipped, cracked, discolored or missing teeth. Here are the more common options:

Fillings. This is the most common type of dental restoration. Teeth with cavities or tooth decay can either be filled with gold, silver amalgam or composite resin fillings.

Crowns. This restoration is essentially a tooth-shaped cap that’s placed over a damaged tooth. It’s done to restore the tooth’s shape and size, strength, appearance, to hold a dental bridge or to cover a dental implant.

Dental bridges. Bridges are false teeth that are fabricated to fill a gap due to one or more missing teeth. They are anchored on either side of the missing tooth by the crowns and cemented into place.

Dental implants. Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. The actual implant is a small post made of metal that’s placed into the jaw bones where the tooth is missing. The implant itself is covered with a replacement tooth.

Dentures. Dentures are removable dental appliances for missing teeth. They’re made out of acrylic resin and metal framing. Complete dentures replace a full set of teeth, either top or bottom, while partial dentures only replace a few missing teeth.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about Dr. Simone’s practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Cavities Are Not a Rite of Passage | Henderson Dentist

When dental professionals are asked what they find is the more common problem with their patients’ teeth, tooth decay is generally at the top of the list. Fortunately, if you are very apt to taking care of your teeth, the odds of tooth decay have decreased dramatically. After all, good oral health and regular dental checkups are the keys to fighting against the development of tooth decay. Here are the top five ways you can take a proactive approach to tooth decay prevention:

Fluoride therapy. Once a controversial topic for dental hygiene, the delivery of fluoride to the teeth topically or systemically prevents tooth decay, resulting in cavities. Fluoride therapy involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed, though are rarely used where public water supplies are fluoridated.

Daily dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth three times a day makes your teeth stronger.

Regular dental checkups. It is very important to seek the help of a dentist since they know a lot about it. They know what to do and where to focus on your teeth.

Dental sealant. It is the dental treatment that consists of plastic material that covers one or more teeth, for preventing of cavities and tooth decay. Dental sealants are applied in a dentist’s office.

Dietary snacks. It is good to limit sweet snacks as excessive intake of sweets alters’ your blood sugar. If you avoid snacks, you may be depriving your body of nutrition from food. Good snacks should include healthy proteins and fats.

Schedule an appointment today 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

All I Want for Christmas Is Some Chocolate | Henderson Dentist

If you were good this year, chances are you found some chocolate in with your holiday gifts. And December 28 is the perfect day to enjoy those chocolatey treats. It’s National Chocolate Candy Day – an entire day devoted to the yummiest of confections.

According to the American Dental Association, we should be brushing two times a day for at least two minutes. After brushing, use dental floss to get in between and hard to reach areas. Floss removes any extra food particles left in between teeth. If left untouched, those particles may turn into plaque, resulting in a higher risk for gum disease. Finally, rinse your mouth with an ADA-approved mouthwash to seal the cleanliness in and for a trace of fresh breath. Top off your oral hygiene with a quick check-up after the holidays and you should be all set to celebrate the new year. Here are a few fun facts to enjoy while you are snacking on your chocolate candy:

In 1828, Dutch chemist Coenraad Van Houten invented the hydraulic press that makes it possible to remove the cocoa butter from the cacao, producing a powder and making way for the first chocolate confections.

In 1847 cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar were combined by British chocolate company J.S. Fry & Sons to produce the first edible chocolate bar.

Whitman’s produced the first box of chocolate.

Hershey Chocolate company designed a specific chocolate bar for the U.S. Army. The D ration bar was included in the emergency rations and in the packs of soldiers when the Allied troops stormed the beach of Normandy on D-Day.

Americans consume 12 pounds of chocolate each year.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Tooth Decay Is Preventable | Henderson Dentist

We all do our best to try to take proper care of our teeth. We brush, we keep our dental appointments and try to avoid eating too much sugar. Unfortunately, we may still get tooth decay to develop over the span of our lifetimes. In fact, tooth decay is one of the common most problems seen among patients. The good thing is, tooth decay is preventable if we know what we need to do to prevent it. So, let’s take a moment to look at a few of the DIY ways you can help keep tooth decay at bay and great dental checkups in the future:

Fluoride therapy. Fluoride is used to help prevent cavities. Fluoride Therapy delivery involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed.

Proper dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing properly can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. If you aren’t sure, ask your dentist proper technique tips.

Regular checkups with your dentist. It is very important to seek the help of a dentist as they know a lot about what to do and any areas where you are lacking.

Dental sealant. Sealant is the dental treatment that consists of placing plastic material over one or more teeth in order to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Dental sealants are applied in a dentist’s office.

Dietary snacks. We all love a sweet treat at some point in our day, but it is good to limit sweet snacks as excessive intake of sweets alters’ your blood sugar. Instead, choose snacks that also include healthy proteins and fats.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

What to Expect When You Don’t Brush Daily | Henderson Dentist

general dentistryDid you know it only takes 24 hours for plaque that is not removed from your teeth to turn into tartar? It’s scary but true. Daily home cleaning helps control plaque and tartar formation, but those hard to reach areas will always need special attention, so brushing your teeth on a daily is extremely important. If left untreated, only a dentist can help bring your smile back. At these cleaning appointments, the pocket depths will be carefully checked to ensure that they are healthy. Plaque and calculus that are difficult for you to remove on a daily basis will be removed from above and below the gum line. But that isn’t all you can expect from these important periodontal treatments:

Diagnostic x-rays. Essential for detection of decay, tumors, cysts, and bone loss. X-rays also help determine tooth and root positions.

Examination of existing restorations. Check current fillings, crowns, etc.

Examination of tooth decay. Check all tooth surfaces for decay.

Oral cancer screening. Check the face, neck, lips, tongue, throat, cheek tissues, and gums for any signs of oral cancer.

Oral hygiene recommendations. Review and recommend oral hygiene aids as needed. (Electric toothbrushes, special periodontal brushes, fluorides, rinses, etc.)

Teeth polishing. Remove stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during tooth brushing and scaling.

Good oral hygiene practices and periodontal cleanings are essential in maintaining dental health and keeping periodontal disease under control! Remember that prevention is the best treatment, however if you feel you need help preventing periodontal disease, do not hesitate to visit the dentist.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

Inlays and Onlays: Saving Your Smile | Henderson Dentist

When you break or fracture your teeth, you will definitely need a dentist’s help. Thanks to restorative dentistry, there are a myriad of ways to go about restoring teeth. One of those restorative options include inlays and onlays.

To put it basically, inlays and onlays repair teeth that have large defective fillings or have been damaged by decay or trauma. A more conservative approach compared to other options, inlays and onlays don’t require your dentist to remove as much of your natural tooth. But that’s not all. Here are other advantages to repairing your smile with inlays and onlays:

Natural looking. Inlays and onlays are aesthetically pleasing because they are made up from a porcelain and composite resin mixture, creating a natural-looking appearance.

Durable. Dental inlays and onlays are made from a stronger material than crowns. Because of this durability, they can last longer than crowns.

No expansion. Inlays and onlays won’t expand or contract the way fillings would, thus putting less stress on your teeth.

Tooth preservation. This restorative procedure doesn’t require your dentist to remove as much of your natural tooth compared to other procedures.

Hygiene. Since inlays and onlays are made for a custom fit, they’re easier to keep clean and bacteria is less likely to get into the affected area after the procedure.

As with many other dental restorations, inlays and onlays aren’t always permanent and may need replacing someday. However, with proper oral care your inlays and onlays can last for many years, giving you plenty of reason to smile.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

Let’s Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month | Las Vegas Dentist

It is important to know that our dental health doesn’t just affect our smiles. In fact, our dental health is the first line of defense for many of our illnesses, so keeping our mouths as healthy as possible is important. If our dental hygiene is subpar, it could lead to various health issues down the line. One way you can ensure that you are doing your best to prevent dental health issues is to make sure you are taking care of your teeth properly.

This October, the American Dentist Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) and the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company are teaming up during National Dental Hygiene Month for the eighth straight year. Both the ADHA and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP) are motivated to increase public awareness about the important of maintaining good oral health. The focus of this year’s National Dental Hygiene Month is the Daily 4, a program centered on the four components of good oral health maintenance. These four components are made up of:

  • Brush twice a day, for at least two minutes
  • Floss every day
  • Rinse with anti-microbial mouthwash
  • Chew sugar-free gum

During National Dental Hygiene Month, the ADHA, WOHP and more allied partners will work to help dental hygienists all over the country make a difference in their communities. They will offer valuable resources and product samples to dental hygienist community outreach. Make sure to visit your dentist regularly to make sure you’re in good oral health. Keeping your smile healthy is plenty of reason to smile.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricsimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

‘Tis the Season: Chocolate Candy Edition | Las Vegas Edition

If you were good this year, chances are you found some chocolate in with your holiday gifts. And December 28 is the perfect day to enjoy those chocolatey treats. It’s National Chocolate Candy Day – an entire day devoted to the yummiest of confections! Yes, I know what you’re thinking…praising chocolate isn’t a dentist’s job. But c’mon – we know that chocolate is amazing. We may even enjoy a candy bar from time to time. This is the difference between a dentist and everyone else: We are all for you enjoying the national day – just remember to take care of your teeth afterwards.

According to the American Dental Association, we should be brushing two times a day for at least two minutes, just barely the appropriate amount of time to sufficiently remove dirt from the front and back ends of the teeth. After brushing, use dental floss to get in between and hard to reach areas. Floss removes any extra food particles left in between teeth. If left untouched, those particles may turn into plaque, resulting in a higher risk for gum disease. Flossing is merely the act of wrapping a piece of string around your teeth, one by one, in order to remove any bacteria and excess material stuck between each tooth. Wrap a piece of floss around your index fingers, pull it taut between your thumb and index finger and guide the floss in between each tooth in a downward zigzag motion, gently scrubbing the spaces between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach. Finally, rinse your mouth with an ADA approved mouth wash to seal the cleanliness in and for a trace of fresh breath. Top off your oral hygiene with a quick check-up after the holidays are over to make sure you didn’t develop any chocolatey dental issues.

But before we go, here are a few fun facts to enjoy while you are snacking on your chocolate candy:

Chocolate Facts

  • In 1828, Dutch chemist Coenraad Van Houten invented the hydraulic press that makes it possible to remove the cocoa butter from the cacao, producing a powder and making way for the first chocolate confections.
  • In 1847 cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar were combined by British chocolate company J.S. Fry & Sons to produce the first edible chocolate bar.
  • Whitman’s produced the first box of chocolate.
  • Hershey Chocolate company designed a specific chocolate bar for the U.S. Army. The D ration bar was included in the emergency rations and in the packs of soldiers when the Allied troops stormed the beach of Normandy on D-Day.
  • Americans consume 12 pounds of chocolate each year.

Schedule an appointment today with Cosmetic and General Dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created but visiting his website at www.patricsimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding ares.

General Dentistry | Teeth Cleaning are Important! | Henderson, NV

You brush and floss twice a day at home and use mouthwash, so why go to the dentist for teeth cleanings? Teeth cleanings with your dentist are more thorough than the type of cleaning you do at home. Also, they help to prevent many other health problems. The following are the top five reasons to go in for teeth cleanings:

  • Prevention of gum disease. Gum disease is an infection in your gums that can lead to tooth loss. Routine dental cleanings help to prevent gum disease.
  • Detection of oral cancer. With every dental cleaning you are screened for oral cancer. Early detection is extremely important.
  • Maintaining good oral health. Visiting your dentist regularly helps your dentist keep track of your oral health and any problems you have had in the past or are currently experiencing.
  • Beautiful smile. When your teeth are healthy and clean and white and you have a beautiful smile, you are more confident and happy. Confidence leads to improved social life and career possibilities.
  • Maintaining overall health. Gum disease is linked to heart disease, stroke and low birth weight.

But what exactly does a thorough tooth cleaning entail? As far as your cleaning goes, your dentist, or dental hygienist will focus on plaque and tartar build up and work hard to remove it before any extra bacteria builds up. They’ll be thoroughly cleaned and sometimes polished, especially if your teeth are worn down from daily use. You will be flossed, and then your dentist will recommend any cleaning techniques that will suit your teeth.

Once your teeth are shiny and bright, your dentist should emphasize the importance of these dental exams and cleanings because they are measures that ensure your teeth remain healthy and strong. After your examination, your dentist will go over what exactly the condition your teeth are in. They will then tell you about any procedures you might have to undergo.

Don’t skip those teeth cleanings, your health depends on it. Schedule an appointment today with Cosmetic and General Dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created but visiting his website at www.patricsimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding ares.