Diabetes and Your Dental Health: What You Need to Know | Las Vegas Dentist

If you have diabetes, you know that you need to take additional precautions when it comes to your health in general, but there are additional needs to attend to when it comes to your dental health. Because of the nature of the disease, patients who suffer from diabetes are at higher risk to develop mouth infections, gum disease, dry mouth, and fungal infections like thrush. Not only is it important to monitor the way your body is reacting, but it is also important to prevent anything from getting worse.

Periodontal disease can increase your blood glucose level as well as rot away gums and bones that keep your teeth in place, leading to painful problems chewing or a loss of teeth. Dry mouth occurs when you do not produce enough saliva. If combined with diabetes, which may raise the glucose level of your saliva, thrush could develop. Thrush is characterized by painful white patches inside your mouth.

To keep your teeth and mouth healthy, consider working the following steps into your daily routines:

  • Control blood glucose
  • Brush and floss every day
  • Visit your dental practitioner twice a year for checkups
  • Quit smoking
  • Contact your dental professional if your dentures do not fit right or your gums become sore

Paying close attention to your dental health can assist you in keeping a beautiful, healthy smile. If you have diabetes, paying extra attention to the way your mouth feels will benefit you in the end. The best defense against any future dental issues is taking preventative measures. If you have any concerns or questions, ask your dentist.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricsimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding ares.

Oral Cancer Is Nothing to Mess with | Las Vegas Dentist

Cancer in general is something not to be taken lightly and oral cancer is no different. Because it’s in your mouth it can be very hard to detect, but to the trained eye of your dental professional, it can be found. There are several types of cancers that can develop in several different locations inside our mouths, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, soft and hard palate, sinuses and throat. How is it detected? Well, at routine dental visits your dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth, head and neck for any abnormal lumps, or tissue that looks out of the ordinary. If anything looks suspicious, further examination can be performed in the office or be referred to specialists.

The symptoms of oral cancer can be tricky because they can come and go or may go unnoticed. The most common symptoms are swelling, lumps, bumps, rough spots, or eroding on lips, tongue, or any area in the mouth. There can also be difficulty swallowing, chewing, or moving the jaw or tongue, unexplained bleeding, persistent sores lasting longer than two weeks and severe weight loss.

A good defense to oral cancer is being educated and prepared. Self-checking every month is a good way to be aware. In fact, just being familiar with your own mouth can help you notice if something is suddenly different. Early detection is key for Dr. Patrick Simone and is the main reason why he offers a test that can detect cells that can be precancerous.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at www.patricsimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding ares.

‘Tis the Season: Chocolate Candy Edition | Las Vegas Edition

If you were good this year, chances are you found some chocolate in with your holiday gifts. And December 28 is the perfect day to enjoy those chocolatey treats. It’s National Chocolate Candy Day – an entire day devoted to the yummiest of confections! Yes, I know what you’re thinking…praising chocolate isn’t a dentist’s job. But c’mon – we know that chocolate is amazing. We may even enjoy a candy bar from time to time. This is the difference between a dentist and everyone else: We are all for you enjoying the national day – just remember to take care of your teeth afterwards.

According to the American Dental Association, we should be brushing two times a day for at least two minutes, just barely the appropriate amount of time to sufficiently remove dirt from the front and back ends of the teeth. After brushing, use dental floss to get in between and hard to reach areas. Floss removes any extra food particles left in between teeth. If left untouched, those particles may turn into plaque, resulting in a higher risk for gum disease. Flossing is merely the act of wrapping a piece of string around your teeth, one by one, in order to remove any bacteria and excess material stuck between each tooth. Wrap a piece of floss around your index fingers, pull it taut between your thumb and index finger and guide the floss in between each tooth in a downward zigzag motion, gently scrubbing the spaces between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach. Finally, rinse your mouth with an ADA approved mouth wash to seal the cleanliness in and for a trace of fresh breath. Top off your oral hygiene with a quick check-up after the holidays are over to make sure you didn’t develop any chocolatey dental issues.

But before we go, here are a few fun facts to enjoy while you are snacking on your chocolate candy:

Chocolate Facts

  • In 1828, Dutch chemist Coenraad Van Houten invented the hydraulic press that makes it possible to remove the cocoa butter from the cacao, producing a powder and making way for the first chocolate confections.
  • In 1847 cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar were combined by British chocolate company J.S. Fry & Sons to produce the first edible chocolate bar.
  • Whitman’s produced the first box of chocolate.
  • Hershey Chocolate company designed a specific chocolate bar for the U.S. Army. The D ration bar was included in the emergency rations and in the packs of soldiers when the Allied troops stormed the beach of Normandy on D-Day.
  • Americans consume 12 pounds of chocolate each year.

Schedule an appointment today with Cosmetic and General Dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created but visiting his website at www.patricsimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding ares.

General Dentistry | Teeth Cleaning are Important! | Henderson, NV

You brush and floss twice a day at home and use mouthwash, so why go to the dentist for teeth cleanings? Teeth cleanings with your dentist are more thorough than the type of cleaning you do at home. Also, they help to prevent many other health problems. The following are the top five reasons to go in for teeth cleanings:

  • Prevention of gum disease. Gum disease is an infection in your gums that can lead to tooth loss. Routine dental cleanings help to prevent gum disease.
  • Detection of oral cancer. With every dental cleaning you are screened for oral cancer. Early detection is extremely important.
  • Maintaining good oral health. Visiting your dentist regularly helps your dentist keep track of your oral health and any problems you have had in the past or are currently experiencing.
  • Beautiful smile. When your teeth are healthy and clean and white and you have a beautiful smile, you are more confident and happy. Confidence leads to improved social life and career possibilities.
  • Maintaining overall health. Gum disease is linked to heart disease, stroke and low birth weight.

But what exactly does a thorough tooth cleaning entail? As far as your cleaning goes, your dentist, or dental hygienist will focus on plaque and tartar build up and work hard to remove it before any extra bacteria builds up. They’ll be thoroughly cleaned and sometimes polished, especially if your teeth are worn down from daily use. You will be flossed, and then your dentist will recommend any cleaning techniques that will suit your teeth.

Once your teeth are shiny and bright, your dentist should emphasize the importance of these dental exams and cleanings because they are measures that ensure your teeth remain healthy and strong. After your examination, your dentist will go over what exactly the condition your teeth are in. They will then tell you about any procedures you might have to undergo.

Don’t skip those teeth cleanings, your health depends on it. Schedule an appointment today with Cosmetic and General Dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created but visiting his website at www.patricsimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding ares.

5 Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings | Las Vegas, NV

general dentistryThere are myriad of dental treatments that general dentistry offers that can help prevent dental problems in the long run. One of the best ways to prevent dental problems is to visit your general dentist for regular checkups and cleaning. Not only can regular checkups and professional cleanings help prevent dental problems, it can also help provide you with good oral hygiene. There are several other benefits that stem from this type of general dentistry, which include the following:

  1. Cleanings prevent cavities. Plaque buildup, that sticky, colorless film, is the leading cause of tooth decay. The acidic substance found in the bacteria in plaque eats away at tooth enamel and, if left untreated, it can cause cavities. You can remove plaque buildup through proper oral hygiene and professional dental cleanings.
  2. Cleanings can prevent tooth loss. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, starts with plaque buildup and is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. As gum disease progresses, the harmful bacteria in plaque moves further down the tooth where is can destroy the surrounding gum tissue and bone structure that supports teeth, which can cause them to loosen and fall out. Fortunately, thanks to general dentistry, dentists can perform professional cleanings which can greatly reduce the chance of tooth loss.
  3. Cleaning can brighten up your smile. Drinking coffee, tea and wine or using tobacco products can dull your pearly whites and even stain your teeth. A professional dental cleaning can remove built-up stains and leave your pearly whites freshly polished. What the result? Much brighter pearly whites!
  4. Cleanings can freshen your breath. Practicing proper oral hygiene is the best way to prevent chronic bad breath. Proper oral hygiene involves you brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. In addition to practicing proper oral hygiene at home, you should also visit your general dentist for professional cleanings on a regular basis to keep a healthy, odor- free mouth.
  5. Cleanings can boost your overall health. Several studies have shown a connection between oral and overall health. It’s been said that regular professional cleanings may help reduce your risk for certain diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. There are many medical conditions that can be detected in their early stages by your dentist during a routine checkup.

To take advantage of these benefits and much more, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Las Vegas, NV at 702-735-2755 to schedule an appointment today. For information regarding general dentistry visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

6 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Mouth This Holiday Season

ThinkstockPhotos-485470868The holidays are time where many of us are filled with joy and excitement for the events we planned ahead. You may be hosting a holiday party or even have special holiday events to attend, and let’s face it these festivities are most likely going to have lots of appetizing food and beverages. It’s hard not to indulge in all of the delicious food and sweet treats, but as you indulge the sugars you consume could be taking a toll on your teeth. Most of us know how detrimental sugar is to teeth but during these times your oral health can slip your mind, don’t let it. While indulging in the delightful food and beverages, keep these six tips in mind so you can maintain a healthy mouth this holiday season:

Healthy Routine- Always brush your teeth twice a day, for two minutes. This simple routine can make a huge difference over time.

Avoid Hard Candy- Not only do hard candies promote tooth decay, but the act of chewing on them can lead to a cracked or chipped tooth.

Limit Chewy Candies- During this time of year it’s hard not to munch on chewy candy like caramel, fudge or toffee. Just remember, sticker candies take longer to get washed away by saliva and may increase risk for tooth decay.

Drink Lots of Water- Be sure to drink water in between consuming sugary foods and beverages to rinse away excess sugar to decrease the chances of getting a cavity. If bottled water is a choice, make sure to choose the fluoridated bottled water.

Teeth Aren’t Tools- During the holidays it’s common to give and receive gifts. Some people get caught up in the excitement of opening the items that they’ll use their teeth to rip tags off new items or to bite through string. Avoid using your teeth as tools because this type of wear and tear can cause teeth to crack, chip and even break.

Dentist Visits- For added measures schedule a checkup and cleaning with your dentist once the holidays are over. It’s important to maintain regular preventative oral care during the holidays and throughout the entire year.

Be sure to keep your mouth healthy this holiday season, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 to schedule an appointment today. For information regarding preventative dentistry visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

5 Mistakes You May Be Making with Your Teeth

Smiling woman with perfect teethBefore you think about running your toothbrush through the dishwasher or putting it in the microwave to disinfect it, know that it isn’t worth the hassle. We’ve all heard those stories about how much nasty bacteria is harbored in our tooth brushes, but did you know that there is no evidence that anyone has ever gotten sick from their own toothbrush. You can just give your toothbrush a good rinse under regular old tap, let it air-dry and store up right where your toothbrush isn’t touching anyone else’s brush. There are many mistakes we make in our oral care routines that we may not even notice. Let’s take a look at a few mistakes you could be making with your teeth:

Multitasking While Brushing- As we rush around in the mornings we tend to multitask, and for some multitasking may include brushing your teeth while showering or while scrolling through your emails. However, if you’re multitasking while brushing your teeth you could be doing yourself doing yourself a disfavor. It’s best to give your full attention while brushing your teeth as to make sure you’re doing a proper job and cleaning your mouth thoroughly.

Ditching Your Retainer- If you’ve had braces, as an adult or as a teen, it’s smart to keep wearing your retainer for as long as your orthodontist recommends. If you stop wearing your retainer regularly your perfect teeth will eventually start to shift, thus leaving you unhappy with your teeth all over again. Be sure to wear your retainer to your teeth in line for good.

Over Cleaning Your Toothbrush- There are many people disinfect their tooth brushes by zapping them in the microwave or by tossing them in the dishwasher, but these tricks actually aren’t needed. I know most of us have heard the horror stories about how much bacteria your tooth brush harbors, but according to the CDC there’s never been any evidence that anyone has ever gotten sick from their own toothbrush. Make sure to give your toothbrush a good rinse with regular old tap water, let air-dry and store standing upright where it’s not touching anything. Taking more drastic cleaning measures can damage your toothbrush, which defeats the purpose.

Storing Your Wet Toothbrush in Travel Case- It’s very important to store your toothbrush somewhere sanitary before you pack it away with any other luggage, and it’s equally as important to unpack it when arriving to your destination. It’s important to set your toothbrush free because bacteria thrives in moist conditions, so make sure to take your toothbrush out of its travel case to allow for it to air dry .

Skipping Dentist Appointments- Some people suffer from dental anxiety which leads them to not going to the dentist. Most times dental anxiety stems from overthinking about all of the work you may need to have done, but by avoiding the dentist altogether you will only create more dental problems in the long run. If you visit your dentist every six months for checkups, you’re less likely to run into dental problems.

If you would like to learn more about your oral health, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 today or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com for additional information.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

National Dental Hygiene Month 2015 | Henderson Dentist

general-dentistry-las-vegasThis October the American Dentist Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) and the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company are teaming up during National Dental Hygiene Month for the sixth straight year. Both the ADHA and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP) are motivated to increase public awareness about the important of maintaining good oral health. The focus of this year’s National Dental Hygiene Month is centered on the four components of good oral health maintenance. These four components are made up of:

  1. Brushing Twice A Day
  2. Flossing Every Single Day
  3. Rinsing With Antimicrobial Mouthrinse
  4. Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

During National Dental Hygiene Month, the ADHA, WOHP and more allied partners will work to help dental hygienists all over the country make a difference in their communities. They will offer valuable resources and product samples to dental hygienist community outreach. Make sure to visit you dentist regularly to make sure you’re in good oral health.

For more information regarding dental hygiene, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 today or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com to learn about the services we offer.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado, Ranch, Enterprise, Spring Valley, and all surroundings.

Top 5 Foods That Damage Your Teeth | Henderson Dentist

ToothacheWe all know that brushing and flossing is vital to the health of our teeth. But did you know there are some foods that can cause enough damage to your teeth that you need an extra cleaning? I’m sure you were told plenty of times as a child that candy will ruin your teeth. Many people all over the U.S. suffer from tooth decay and some of the culprits you’d never guess would affect you teeth. The following list includes the top 5 foods that damage your teeth:

  • Refined Carbohydrates- Food likes white bread, chips, pasta or crackers are processed as processed as sugars when broken down. When these sugars mix with bacteria that’s found in the mouth they create a lactic acid, which is an acid that very hard on your tooth enamel. They also stick to the grooves of your teeth, giving the food more time to build up acid.
  • Sugary Candy- Long lasting and sticky candies are the worst sort of candy for your teeth. When sucking on a hard candy it exposes your teeth to sugar and damaging acids for a longer period of time. However, while eating sticky candy the sugars are more prone to stick to your teeth.
  • Dried Fruit- Not many people would suspect that dried fruit would be hard on their teeth, but dried fruits such as apricots, prunes and pineapple can be just as damaging as candy. The chewy texture makes it easy for the fruit to stick to your teeth, giving it plenty of time to damage them.
  • Citrus- Although citrus foods are healthy and packed with vitamin C, they can also damage your teeth. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and grape fruits are high in enamel damaging acids and sugars as well.
  • Carbonated Drink- Not only are drinks like soda and diet soda loaded with sugar, they contain carbonation and phosphorous that wear away tooth enamel. A beverage like Coke or Pepsi has around 10 teaspoons of sugar.

For more information regarding oral health, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Spring Valley, and all surrounding areas.

The Benefits of an Oral Rinse | Henderson Dentist


Who doesn’t love that minty fresh feeling you get after rinsing with mouthwash? Did you know your mouthwash is doing more than just giving your breath a boost? Rinsing daily with certain mouthwashes can improve your oral health. We’re talking whitening your teeth, helping to prevent gum disease and fighting plaque!

So what are the benefits of swishing daily with an oral rinse?

1)     Freshens breath – First and most obviously, mouthwash temporarily reduces bad breath. Mouthwash kills bacteria associated with causing bad breath leaving you with minty fresh breath.

2)     Prevents Plaque build-up – Various mouthwashes help prevent plaque build up on your gums, in-between teeth, and on the surface of your teeth. Although it prevents the build up of plague, it cannot reduce the plaque that already exists on your teeth. So remember to always brush and floss before plaque becomes a problem.

3)     Removes particles – Most people use mouthwash only after brushing. This is a perfectly fine practice, but used before before brushing to rinse out loose particles in your mouth will make the brushing and flossing more effective.

4)     Stop cavities from forming – Regular use of mouthwash before and after you brush and floss, you can reduce the chances of cavities forming. Mouthwashes that contain fluoride can prevent cavities and strengthen your enamel. Remember, not all mouthwashes contain fluoride. Be sure to check the label on your mouthwash before purchasing.

Of course mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing and flossing and should be used in conjunction with good oral health habits. It only takes a moment to rinse but the positive impact on your oral health is much greater. With rinsing daily you can successfully navigate around dental problems.

Make an appointment with Dr. Simone today to ensure your mouth is as healthy as it should be. Contact Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755 or www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.