Understanding Oral Bacteria | Henderson Dentist

woman brushing her teeth

We all know that oral bacteria can contribute or be detrimental to our overall oral hygiene. Good bacteria and harmful bacteria coexist, and certain behaviors can advance one or the other. In general, a good oral care routine and healthy eating will keep the harmful bacteria at bay without any serious issues. Here are some things you should know about the bacteria that exists within your mouth.

Helpful Bacteria

lactobacilli bacteria can fight several kinds of harmful bacteria and may help restore a healthy balance in your mouth. This bacteria can be found in some types of chewing gum and people with gingivitis may be asked to use it every day by their dentist.

Streptococcus Salivarius helps suppress oral pathogens like Streptococcus Pyogenes and Streptococcus Pneumonia that cause infections and autoimmune disorders. It also provides immune support to help reduce symptoms of oral and respiratory viral infections while crowding out other potentially harmful oral pathogens.

Harmful Bacteria

Streptococcus mutans is specifically found on tooth surfaces and difficult-to-clean areas like pits and fissures on the teeth. It feeds on the sugars and starches you eat, leading to the formation of cavities. This bacteria is the main cause of tooth decay in humans because it produces enamel-eroding acids and thrives in a low pH.

Periodontitis is a serious inflammatory disease that affects the tissues and the alveolar bone that support the teeth. While this disease is caused by several types of bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis is strongly linked to it.

Interested in learning more? Call to schedule an appointment today at 702-735-2755 or visit us online at www.patricksimonedds.com today.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Biting Your Nails Seriously Impacts Your Teeth | Henderson Dentist

cosmetic dentistry

We only get one set of adult teeth. They should be one of the most important things you work to protect through proper oral care and intended use. Biting your nails may seem harmless, but it can cause serious damage to a beautiful smile. It increases the risk you may chip a tooth, increase the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth and begin to shift your teeth. 

All too often, we use our teeth do perform tasks other than chewing. For some, the convenience of using our teeth to perform certain actions – such as biting our nails – outweighs the risk of chipping a tooth or otherwise damaging our teeth over time. Biting our nails tends to start as a childhood fascination that if left unchecked, can progress into adulthood.

Before you damage a tooth or otherwise damage your smile, here are some tips to help yourself keep from biting your nails:

  • Identify your triggers
  • Keep your nails trimmed
  • Get regular manicures
  • Apply a clear or bitter-tasting to your nails or the edge of your finger tips
  • Replace the nail-biting habit with a good habit
  • Try to gradually stop biting your nails, going nail by nail until the habit is kicked

Small steps may be the key to making a bigger change. The sooner you kick your nail-biting habit, the less time you spend unconsciously damaging your teeth.

Interested in learning more? Call to schedule an appointment today at 702-735-2755 or visit us online at www.patricksimonedds.com today.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Tartar Buildup: What To Know and What To Do About It | Henderson Dentist

Young woman smiling with perfect dental health brushing teeth

When plaque isn’t removed properly from your hygienic routine, that’s when the soft, removable plaque can turn into tartar which may require a more intense means of removal. That is called tarter, and it’s the result of improper care for your teeth.

If you are employing a thorough routine of proper brushing and flossing, you should be able to avoid tartar buildup. Yet, it’s still important to understand the signs and symptoms of tarter buildup, so that if you do recognize it’s happening, you can consult your dentist sooner than later.

Tarter is a buildup of minerals that if above the gum line, is fairly easy to spot. If you notice yellow or brown-colored stains on the teeth or gums, it may be tarter. The only real way to know, however, is to consult your dentist, and they can remove it for you. If it gets really bad, you may experience bad breath, darker staining, loose teeth, and red, swollen, or bleeding gums.

If you have tarter buildup, your dentist or hygienist may employ a method called scaling in which he or she uses special instruments to remove the tartar from around the gum line and bottom of the tooth pocket.

While tartar buildup can happen, there are ways your can mitigate your risk. Tarter control toothpaste and rinses can help eliminate stubborn plaque to help prevent tarter alltogether. Regular visits with your dentist and flossing also go a long way in helping ensure a thorough oral care routine and minimize the risk of tartar buildup.

Interested in learning more? Call to schedule an appointment today at 702-735-2755 or visit us online at www.patricksimonedds.com today.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Your Child Has a Crossbite, Now What? | Henderson Dentist

girl with missing teeth

Learning that your child may have a crossbite can be an intimidating moment. A crossbite can seriously impact one’s quality of life, and treatments can seem scary. Yet, questions like “How soon should a crossbite be addressed” and “What means of intervention might we take” are better addressed sooner than later.

What does it mean to have a crossbite?

Simply put, a crossbite is when your upper and lower jaws do not align properly. Your upper jaw may rest to the right or left of your lower jaw, causing an improper alignment. This can cause a variety of issues such as grinding down your teeth, temporomandibular joint disorder, inability to chew effectively, facial asymmetry, uneven jaw development, and biting your cheek or tongue frequently.

What to do about a crossbite

Opinions are divided about when to begin treatment for a crossbite, some suggesting at the time of diagnosis (for a child, this could mean around the age of three), while others want to wait until a child’s molars arrive (commonly around the age of six). No matter when you decide to begin treatment, dentists and orthodontists alike agree a cross bit should not be left untreated for the reasons mentioned above.

Treatment options

Depending on the kind of crossbite, and how severe the misalignment is, its likely treatment will involve dental appliances that work to correct the bite pattern. This can be in the form of braces, sagittal expanders, and retainers that all work to correct the alignment over time. These methods are commonly employed when the entire alignment is off. If misalignment is being caused by a single tooth, it is more likely that a dental face mask, clear aligners, or braces are employed.

While crossbites are not very common, they are generally considered a genetic occurrence. In the case of discovering your young child has a crossbite, it should be treated before they sustain permanent damage to their face and jaw. Listen to all the options provided by your dentist, and choose the course of action that best suits your child.

Worried your son or daughter may have a crossbite? Call to schedule an appointment today at 702-735-2755 or visit us online at www.patricksimonedds.com today.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Reducing your Fears of the Dentist | Serving Enterprise, NV

Are you afraid to go to the dentist? Fear of the dentist is very common and at the office of Dr. Patrick Simone DDS we aim to reduce those fears. Dr. Simone DDS offer IV Sedation. IV Sedation is for patients with dental phobias and anxiety. It is a safe and simple way to reduce or eliminate fear and anxiety at the dentist.

During intravenous sedation (IV sedation), an anti-anxiety drug is administered into the bloodstream to produce a state of “conscious sedation.” Although you will not actually be asleep, you will enjoy a heightened state of relaxation and probably won’t remember much about the procedure afterwards. Your appointment will be a dream and hours in the chair will feel like minutes.

You don’t have to be afraid anymore! Call our office to find out more about IV Sedation and how it can help you overcome your dental fears, 702-735-2755. Visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Accepting patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.